57th REUNION & 75th BIRTHDAY PARTY (2022)
Saturday August 6th, 2022
Held at: Windsor Gardens Outdoor Gazebo
Special thanks to Sally Stapp Bergner, Barbi Brown Noel and Carlin Callaway for pictures.
Held at: Windsor Gardens Outdoor Gazebo
Special thanks to Sally Stapp Bergner, Barbi Brown Noel and Carlin Callaway for pictures.
70th BIRTHDAY PARTY (2017)
Held at: Two Penquins Denver, 13065 East Briarwood Ave., Centennial, CO
Held at: Two Penquins Denver, 13065 East Briarwood Ave., Centennial, CO
50th REUNION (2015)
Our Journey; 50 Year Reunion was held on August 21-23, 2015 for a weekend of friends & memories.
Infinity Park Event Center • George Washington High School • Wellshire Event Center • Mount Vernon Country Club
Infinity Park Event Center • George Washington High School • Wellshire Event Center • Mount Vernon Country Club
Boomers With Benefits Event on Saturday, June 23rd, 2012
Held at The John F. Kennedy Golf Course Restaurant, Woods & Irons
Held at The John F. Kennedy Golf Course Restaurant, Woods & Irons
45th REUNION (2010)
Our 45th Reunion was Saturday, June 26, 2010
Held at JL Cheers Bar--3415 South Monaco, Denver Colorado.
Held at JL Cheers Bar--3415 South Monaco, Denver Colorado.
40th REUNION (2005)
The 40th Reunion Friday June 24th-25th, 2005
Held at Three Jacks Sports Bar & Mount Vernon Country Club
Held at Three Jacks Sports Bar & Mount Vernon Country Club
35th REUNION (2000)
35th Reunion - (Summer 2000) City Park Pavillion
George W. Bush elected president in closest election ever...Supreme Court upholds Miranda rights...50 years of Israeli-Palestinian struggle continues..."Traffic," "Pollock ," and "Erin Brockovich" open at the movies...Reality based T.V. show, "Survivor," begins its run...Fourth volume of "Harry Potter" series comes out...Charles Schultz, the creator of "Peanuts," dies...Eminem sings and Napster plays music... Y2K problem is no problem...
George W. Bush elected president in closest election ever...Supreme Court upholds Miranda rights...50 years of Israeli-Palestinian struggle continues..."Traffic," "Pollock ," and "Erin Brockovich" open at the movies...Reality based T.V. show, "Survivor," begins its run...Fourth volume of "Harry Potter" series comes out...Charles Schultz, the creator of "Peanuts," dies...Eminem sings and Napster plays music... Y2K problem is no problem...
50th BIRTHDAY PARTY (1997)
50th Birthday Party--(Summer 1997) Woody's Pizza
Bill Clinton starts second term...British colonial rule over Hong Kong ends after 156 years...NATO invites former soviet bloc countries to join..."Cats" becomes longest running Broadway show...the movie "Titanic" opens...Mars Pathfinder spacecraft lands. on Mars, and Hubble Space Telescope sends spectacular images back to Earth...Meteorite discovered in Antarctica may contain proof that life once existed on Mars...Mad-cow disease is problem in Europe...Biotechnologists in Scotland clone a sheep they name "Dolly"...O.J. Simpson found guilty of murder in civil trial...Heaven's Gate cult in California commit mass suicide...Golfer Tiger Woods wins Masters TournamenL.Boxer Mike Tyson bites opponent's ear...Princess Diana dies in an automobile accident
30th REUNION (1995)
Friday evening at Governor's Park Restaurant/Bar (7th and Logan).
Saturday - The Inverness Hotel and Golf Club.
Saturday - The Inverness Hotel and Golf Club.
U.S. House and Senate call for balanced budget...Vaccine is approved for chicken pox...7 million Americans subscribe to Internet...Scientists express concern about hole in ozone layer... Terrorist truck bomb explodes in Oklahoma City.. Terrorists convicted of 1993 bombing of World Trade Center...50th anniversary of atomic bombs...Genocide in Rwanda... Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep team up in "Bridges of Madison County'~, and Mel Gibson stars in "Braveheart"...Microsoft provides operating system for more than 75% of personal computers... 10% of Americans have cell phones...Peregrine falcons are taken off the endangered species list...International report states problem with global warming...Ebola virus in Zaire...O.J. Simpson found not guilty...Major League Baseball ends strike.
25th REUNION (1990)
Saturday night August, 1990 at the Racquet World at Inverness
Friday evening at JL Cheers (Monaco and Hampden)
Friday evening at JL Cheers (Monaco and Hampden)
20th REUNION (1985)
Friday, GW North Hall
Saturday, Crestmoor Park and the Sheraton DTC
Saturday, Crestmoor Park and the Sheraton DTC
10th REUNION (1975)
The Marriott @ I-25 and Hampden
Mitchell, Ehrlichman, and Haldeman are found guilty of obstruction of justice in the Watergate cover-up...U.S. evacuates last troops from South Vietnam...FBI captures Patricia Hearst, who had been kidnaped by the Symbionese Liberation Army...James Hoffa disappears... Khmer Rouge take control ofCambodia.."Jaws", "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," "The Godfather II" and "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" open... Television soap "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman" begins its run... Bruce SprIngsteen releases "Born to Run"...Galaxy 1 0 times larger than the Milky Way is discovered... Virus DNA is recombined in atest tube...Apollo 18 docks with Soyuz 19...Metric Conversion Act suggests voluntary change to metric system...Chris Evert wins $40,000 in Virginia Slims tennis toumament...55 nuclear power plants are in operation... World population passes 4 billion.. Bill Gates develops the world's first PC.